How to Reduce Painful Inflammation Caused by De Quervain's Syndrome?

De Quervain's treatment

Do you perform repetitive activities of the wrist and hand or routinely use your thumbs in grasping and pinching motions in a repetitive manner? If yes, you might be suffering from De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis (DQT). It’s a repetitive stress condition that affects the first dorsal section of the wrist at the radial styloid. To know effective De Quervain's treatments, look at these points given below:-

1. Activity modification: avoid activities that trigger the symptoms of De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis. It includes sport, hobby, or employment as it gives inflammation a chance to subside and increase the symptoms of De Quervain’s syndrome.

2. Splint or wand: the top physicians recommend that patients should wear a splint/wand/brace that helps in immobilizing the thumb. Moreover, patients are also advised to wear it for 24 hours for 4 to 6 weeks.

3. Exercise: try exercises a few times throughout the day that don’t cause any additional stress or strain by overdoing it. In addition, it’s better not to force yourself in any position that triggers the symptoms of restless leg syndrome.

4. Ice therapy: apply ice on the affected area to reduce inflammation and numb pain signals. However, you should never apply it directly to the skin as it can lead to various skin issues, including burns.

De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis is a common cause of wrist pain in adults. Dequervainscure offers effective De Quervain's treatment to help you get instant relief from the symptoms of De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis. Visit our website to explore our doctor’s proven treatments.
