The Unknown Facts about First Dorsal Compartment Tenosynovitis

first dorsal compartment tenosynovitis

The repetitive stress condition located at the first dorsal compartment of the wrist at the radial styloid is known as De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis (DQT). In the first dorsal compartment tenosynovitis, the extensor pollicis brevis, abductor pollicis longus tendons, and each tendon sheath are inflamed. 

Here are the top facts about first dorsal compartment tenosynovitis:

1.       In 1893, Paul Jules Tillaux described a painful crepitus sig tenosynovitis of the adductor and the short extensor of the thumb. Additionally, in 1894, Fritz De Quervain, a Swiss surgeon, first described Tenosynovitis on December 18, 1894. 

2.       The disorder first occurred in a 35-year-old woman who had severe pain in the extensor muscle region of the thumb, excluding tuberculosis. However, nowadays, it’s a common cause of wrist pain in adults.

3.       First dorsal compartment tenosynovitis is also known as De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis, De Quervain’s wand, Blackberry thumb, Gamer’s thumb, Texting thumb, Radial styloid Tenosynovitis, Designer’s thumb, and mommy's thumb. 

4.       It is the second most common entrapment tendinopathy in the hand following the trigger finger. Furthermore, it is most common among women between 30 and 50 years of age, including a small subset of women in the postpartum period. 

De Quervain’s wand provides the best treatment for first dorsal compartment tenosynovitis. Reach out to our website to explore more or purchase the best pain-relieving products for the disease. 
